Sent by Momma on 01/13/2017

Tears of sadness for you last night. Sissy too. Don't be sad angel. We are trying very hard. I'm sure you are wonderful and well taken care of. We just love and miss you so much. You're my precious baby. Our baby. Tomorrow we are having another mass for you. You'll be 4 months old. I'd do anything to see you. You are a part of every butterfly born in your garden, every plant tended, every donation or task to help others. It's all for you. The sun on my face. A sweet breeze. A beautiful sky. Your sisters laughter. Your daddy's charm. Your momma's eyes. I'm gonna take it all. Breathe it all in. Keep sending me parts of you. Feel our love. You are so loved. Please thank Jesus for making you my son. Tell him your momma loves Him. I'm so proud of you my sweet son. So grateful to be your momma.